Instant downloads – 30 Day Refund policy – Unique three-tier approach – Results in 21 days




Begin boosting your confidence today

Change your life with our unique three-tier self-hypnosis programme

Begin beating your anxieties today

Change your life with our unique three-tier self-hypnosis programme

Simply repeat these steps for 21 days

Day 1

Session 1

Hypnotherapy Session

Day 2

Session 2

Powerful Affirmations

Day 3

Session 3

New Behaviour Generator




Replace your anxieties with care-free calm

You’re in the grip of a waking terror: a crippling anxiety that keeps you constantly on edge. You can’t relax, you can’t let go, you can’t imagine life without it. Your entire life is tinged with the fear of being fearful.

Your anxiety is so pervasive, you no longer know what it is you fear. You’re locked into the anxiety mindset, which is why there really is a brighter, calmer, fear-free tomorrow. If you could beat anxiety, you’d at last be living in the moment… laughing with friends… focusing on the task… losing yourself in the joy of a walk on the beach.

When you swap your fears for calm self-assurance, your muscles relax, your stomach unwinds, your health improves. You become the care-free person you used to be. All you need is a bit of help. Especially after so many years of negative thinking.





Hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming

Right now you’re locked into those negative thoughts. It’s a habit that we want to help you break. Our unique three-tier self-hypnosis programme uses the power of hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic prgogramming (NLP) to banish those negative thoughts and help you move forward towards positivity.




Replace negativity with positivity in three sessions

Our three-tier self-hypnosis programme is unlike any other. Instead of a single hypnotherapy track to be replayed day after day, you download a linked series of three self-hypnosis sessions. Each track or session fulfils a different therapeutic purpose; each works on a different aspect of your life and thought-processes. Collectively they work to build a mindset of fearless, care-free calm.

Session 1

Play sample

Peaceful and healing therapy

A standalone hypnotherapy session to eliminate the negative emotions that cause anxiety, and then to use positive reinforcement to turn those thoughts into joyful feelings of fearlessness.

Session 2

Play sample

Growth through powerful affirmations

Engage in powerful affirmations while in the super-charged state of a hypnotic trance. Affirmations or self-talk are proven to work. They induce the positive sense of calm and lack of fear you seek.

Session 3

Play sample

New behaviour generator

This technique from the field of NLP involves mental rehearsals and positive images that enable you to see, believe and act calmly and without fear. It works because the human mind cannot distinguish between a real event and an imagined one. The more you rehearse the imagined events, the stronger your sense of calm becomes.




...at home at your own pace

Your three-session download is all you need to banish your anxieties – so long as you can find somewhere quiet and undisturbed to sit for your sessions. Whether you listen to all three tracks in sequence every day or play one a day in a rolling three-day sequence is up to you. It all depends on how much time you have to spare. The most important thing is to stick to the programme. Try to avoid missing days because missed days are opportunities for old ways of thinking to creep back in.

Risk-free investment in self-renewal

Our unique three-tier approach to self-hypnosis is your risk-free route to self-belief. If you can’t detect a drop in your anxiety levels, you have up to 30 days to claim a refund.

Overcome anxiety now

for only £24.99
